Some Interesting Comments about NAFPS
LETS BE TRUTHFUL SHALL WE?This group, NAFPS represents no one but themselves and their own sick agenda. The vast majority of the membership is not Native American, but people from Europe, or people who claim they are, but they are not. Groups like this were once spread everywhere until Internet Laws and lawsuits started to be filed about the false allegations and libelous statements they would make about anyone who disagrees with them, or who stands up to them and refuses to take their abuse. To take a stand, is to encourage even more abuse from this group. Fortunately, internet laws have prevented their harassment via email and now web hosts are beginning to realize that they are not worth the time, effort or expense, so they shut them down, which they should do. With all the allegations they have made recently, they have provided no proof at all. When they allege someone is a culture vulture or selling ceremonies, they present no documented evidence, such as filming such events, obtaining records which proves money has changed hands, (they could even use notices of such events which would contain this information if the person is a fake)
What they do time and time again, is allege, insinuate, twist things around and of course, back one another up to prove what? That they are fools, who are so insecure about who they are, that they have appointed themselves guardians of Indian nations' traditions and ceremonies when these nations are more than able to handle such matters and not in the manner in which these people operate. Tricia Jacobs, who claims to be Cherokee, is not Cherokee, but she had a website with the word respect on it, written in the Cherokee language. She never showed one bit of respect to anyone, even to herself. She ripped people to shreds on her website and when the individual was naive and thought if the contacted her they could deal with her allegations reasonably, she would take their email and put it on her website, and rip them to shreds again. She was in total control or so she thought, until people, who were fed up with her attacks, began to file lawsuits against her and she took her website down because as she claimed at the time, "she was tired of being attacked." You would think that feeling that way herself, she would learn what she had been doing to people for years.
Some of the people they have mentioned as being fakes are. But they have no right to harass people and print their personal information online on their websites, or to make so many allegations without providing proof of those allegations. They provide no proof - nothing! Where is their proof? Yet, when they are called on what they are doing wrong, and their websites are removed for violations of the Terms of Services for use, they start crying about how their freedom of speech is being taken from them; they start whining that they are being attacked because they are Native American Indians, their freedoms are being denied to them and on and on. This is the same response that has been used by many other websites that have been removed for the same reasons.
They do not represent any American Indian nations. No Elder would ever approve of the tactics they employ towards others. This claim they make, is an outright lie and they know it. Our Elders teach us to be respectful of all people, that if we cannot get along with others, just to go our own way and let them go theirs, because the Great Mystery will tend to judgement of all people. It is not their job to charge, judge and harass others. If they find an individual who is selling ceremony for an example, then they should go to that nation's tribal council and let the tribal council handle it.
It is impossible to stop every website on the internet that they do not agree with. They got away with that for a very long time, but now, thankfully, there are laws to protect the innocent from such unjustified attacks. John LeKay has a online ezine. They have made many allegations against him, and in doing so, they have shown great disrespect to the true Native Elders who Mr. LeKay has interviewed in the past. He has also presented news items about Native Americans. I have seen nothing in his articles that show anything but a publisher presenting articles for any reader who wishes to read it.
They claim he is attacking Chief Arvol Looking Horse. This is a lie - but I wonder, why aren't they harassing Chief Looking Horse's sister, who made some very unkind statements about her own brother in the local mainstream press? Or other statements that have been made against Chief Arvol Looking Horse, by many well-known activists who are definitely Lakota and live on the reservation? Why aren't they attacking Alfred Boneshirt for an example? He has made many statements about his own concerns about the Sacred Pipe, as have many other Lakota people. The charges being made by many natives against the Chief are even of a criminal nature in some respects - why aren't they supporting the Chief in this regard? They do nothing of good for anyone. They talk about fakes and twinkies, yet they are dealing with Europeans in Sweden of all places and worrying about educating them. Why don't they spend that time in true worthwhile endeavors with native people and work on the reservations, work with the youth, etc?
People are desperately needed to cut firewood at Rosebud and Pineridge. Items such as saw blades and other things are desperately needed by native volunteers to help the people who live there before another cold winter sets in and the elders and families freeze to death in their homes, which has happened too many times. Why don't they help support the efforts of one Lakota family to harvest hemp so they can start a company, offer employment to their own people and become more self-reliant? There are so many good things they could be doing, but they call this activism. They prefer to slander, hurt, and lie about other people because it makes them feel powerful and in control.
They make decent and good native people ashamed by their actions. Al Carroll has an education, it's too bad he wastes it in such a way that he does. I'd also like to know how much money they are making off the native people with their books and now this upcoming movie? Those Swedish people rather than spend thousands of dollars for air fare to fly people such as Chief Looking Horse over to Sweden would have done so much better by donating that money for fuel assistance for the upcoming winter, for personal items, clothing, pot, pans - household goods that the people so desperately need. Instead, everyone seems to be more concerned with making a name for themselves and that helps no one but them."
Sounds like nafps by to a TTuesday Sep 4th, 2007 4:54 PM"Sexual assault is not about needing a sexual outlet, but rather about the need to exert power, control, and humiliation over another." "Sexual gratification is often not the primary reason, whereas desire for control, power and dominance frequently is." Sounds like nafps to a T ! Being a "Mescalero Apache" to a non native following offers a position of power and dominance. This position is available to almost any Mexican who has studied Native American history willing to play the part . Non native people don't know what the real thing is supposed to look like, so no real qualifications are required . This position of power is very enticing and does attract people who are looking for control , power and dominance . For people who were sexually abused by a "medicine man" the opportunity to have this power over anybody practicing "medicine" can be very tempting . It is not uncommon for this to become abusive . NAFPS is not a First Nation Advocacy Group, they have no tribal affiliations and act badly by QOTuesday Sep 4th, 2007 3:41 PMDr. Al Carrol nor NAFPS has any First Nation affiliation nor any tribal affiliation. They have misused their opportunities with their website to run abusive campaigns against anyone they dislike or disapprove. This includes bonafide Native American Spiritual leaders or cerimonial leaders that include non-Natives in their practices. NAFPS has no entitlement to claim any authority or special knowledge of who and what has rights to Native America they have shown by their own behavior that they cannot be trusted to honestly live up to their self proclaimed mandate to abuse only non-Natives and call real Native Spiritual leaders frauds.
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